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# Conferences and Talks

## 2020 * [2/5-7] [Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan](

## 2019 * [12/4-6] [Workshop on Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications](, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizing committee). * [9/12] [Machine Learing in Physics Workshop](, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Organizing committee). * [4/19-21] [The 9th Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Computation](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, RUA, Beijing, China. * [1/23-25] [2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan](Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan), NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

## 2018

* [12/2-7] [2nd Asia Pacific Workshop on Quantum Magnetism](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, ICTS Bangalore, India. * [7/22-28] The 2018 TAMU-Casper College Summer School on Quantum Science and Engineering, Pochung Chen, invited, “Tensor network for many-body physics”, Casper, Wyoming, USA. * [5/25-26] The NCTS workshop on topology and strong correlations in quantum condensed matter. (Organizing committee) * [1/28-31] [Tensor Network States: Aogorithms and Applications](, Beijing, China.

## 2017 * [8/28-30] [1st Asia Pacific Workshop for Quantum Magnetism (APWQM 2017)](, SNU, Seoul, Korea. Pochung Chen, invited talk. * [8/7-9] [2017 TEQMS Summer School: From Tensor Network to Deep Learning](, NCTS, Hsinchu, (Organizing committee). * [1/16-18] [PSROC2017](, TKU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “The Fate of Majorana Modes Through Quantum Quench”.

## 2016

* [12/12-12/16] [Fourth Workshop on Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications](, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Organizing committee) * [12/9-12/11] [Quantum Simulation and Numerical Studies on Strongly correlated System](, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Organizing committee) * [6/27-7/15] [International Workshop on Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Problems]( (TNQMP2016), ISSP, Kashiwa, Japan. * [4/21-4/24] [The 6th Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Computation](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, “A Memory of Majorana Modes through Quantum Quench”, CSRC, Beijing, China. * [1/25-27] [APW-CEMS joint Workshop, Highlights of modern condensed matter physics](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, “A Memory of Majorana Modes through Quantum Quench”, Riken, Japan.

## 2015

* [1/7~1/11] [9th International Conference Computational Physics](, 2015. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum critical spin-2 chain with emergent SU(3) symmetry”, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

## 2014

* [12/1-12/19] NCTS [Program on Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter](, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Organizing committee) * [12/1-12/5] [Tensor network states: Algorithms and applications](, Beijing, China. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum critical spin-2 chain with emergent SU(3) symmetry”. * [6/21-26] 2014 NCTS [Summer School/Workshop on Strongly Correlated and Mesoscopic Physics](, NCTU, Taiwan. (Organizing committee) * [5/16-17] [Hong Kong - Taiwan cold atom forum](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum critical spin-2 chain with emergent SU(3) symmetry”, IAMS, Taipei. (Organizing committee) * [4/25~28] 2014 [武漢計算物理研討會](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum critical spin-2 chain with emergent SU(3) symmetry”, China * [1/21~23] 2014 物理年會, NCHU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *“Quantum critical spin-2 chain with emergent SU(3) symmetry”*.

## 2013

* [12/2~5] [Taipei tensor network workshop 2013](, NTU, Taipei. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Ferromagnetic entanglement”. (Organizaing committee) * [10/16-18] [CMSI Kobe International Workshop 2013 Recent Progress in Tensor Network Algorithms](, Kobe, Japan. * [10/14~17] [International Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering](, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Entanglement entropy scaling of the XXZ chain”. * [9/13~15] NCTS [Condensed Matter Summer School 2013](, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Organizing committee) * [8/26~9/6] [Quantum Condensation 2013](, NCTS-South, NCKU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Measuring ferromagnetic entanglement”. (Organizing committee) * [7/28~31] [Statistical Physics of Quantum Matter](, Taiwan. (Organizing committee) * [3/18~22] [Workshop on Disordered and Topological Systems](, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Correction to Entanglement Entropy Scaling of Critical Spin Chains”. * [1/29~31] [2013 物理年會](, NDHU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Dimerized and Trimerized Phases for Spin-2 Bosons in a 1D Optical Lattice”.

## 2012

* [12/7~9] [Taipei DMRG Winter School](, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan. Pochung Chen. (Organizing committee) * [9/9~15] [Workshop on Correlations and Entanglement in Many-body Systems Out of Equilibrium](, NCTS/Hsinchu, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Thermal tensor network”. [Organizing committee] * [9/3~8] [Summer School on Quench Dynamics and Entanglement](, NCTS/Hsinchu, Taiwan. Pochung Chen. [Organizing committee] * [8/13~24] [Quantum Condensation 2012 (QC12)](, APCTP, Korea. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum and thermal transitions out of the pair-supersolid phase of two-species bosons in lattice”. * [7/23~27] [ICAP 2012](, École Polytechnique, Paris, France. Poster. * [7/2~13] [Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules](, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. Poster * [5/18-5/20] 2012 Taiwan International Workshop on Ultracold atoms and molecules, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. * [4/26~28] Workshop on computational physics, Lanzhou, China. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum and thermal transitions out of the pair-supersolid phase of two-species bosons in lattice”.

## 2011

* [9/5~9/9] Summer School for Numerical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. [Organizing committee] * [7/25-29] [Workshop on Synergies between Field Theory and Exact Computational Methods in Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter](, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. * [7/4-15] [Quantum Condensation 2011, Hong Kong]( Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum Phase Transition of Two-Species Bosons”. * [4/21-24] Chongqing ,China, Workshop on tensor network state. Pochung Chen, invited talk, “Quantum Phase Transitions of Two-species Bosons”. * [1/15-18] Kending, Taiwan, 5th Winter School on Quantum Information Science.

## 2010

* [10/27-29, 2010] Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, [New Development of Numerical Simulations in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems: From Density Matrix Renormalization Group to Tensor Network Formulations](, Pochung Chen, “Quantum Phase Transitions of Two-species Bosons*. * [8/23-9/3, 2010] IOP, Beijing, [International workshop on DRMG and other advances in NRG](, Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Field-induced spin supersolidity in frustrated S = 1/2 spin-dimer models*. * [8/19-21, 2010] NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. QC 10 Summer school. Pochung Chen, *Entanglement Area Law and the Simulation of Strongly Correlated Systems*. * [8/9-20, 2010] NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan. QC10 (Quantum Condensation 2010). Pochung Chen, invited talk, *In search of exotic phases using tensor product state and tensor RG*. * [8/4-11, 2010] Computational statistical physics summer school. [Coordinators] * [7/25-30, 2010] [ICAP 2010](, Cairns, Australia. Shiang Fang, Chia-Ming Chung, Ping Nang Ma, Pochung Chen, Daw-Wei Wang, *Extracting quantum critical properties of Superfluid-Mott insulator transition of bosonic atoms in a realistic (finite temperature and finite trapping potential) experiment*.

## 2009

* [12/19-20, 2009] [Workshop on Quantum Information Science and Many-Body Physics](, NCKU, TW. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Field Induced Spin Supersolidity in Frustrated Spin-1/2 Spin-Dimer Models*. * [12/15-19, 2009] [Conference on Computational Physics 2009 (CCP09)]( * [9/9-11, 2009] [The 4th Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology](, TungHai Univ., Taichung, Taiwan. Pocung Chen, invited talk, *Numerical Study of 2D Spin Models via Tensor Product States*. * [8/17-28, 2009] [Workshop on Quantum Condensation](, APCTP Korea, Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Numerical study of spin-1/2 XXZ model on square lattice from tensor product states*. * [8/10-14,2009] Entanglement and correlations in many-body quantum mechanics, Vienna, Austria.

## 2008 * [2008] APS March Meeting, USA. Pochung Chen, et al,. * [1/28-30, 2008] [OSA Workshop on Entanglement and Quantum Decoherence](, Nara, Japan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Dynamical decoupling induced renormalization of the non-Markovian dynamics*. * [1/5-7, 2008] [3rd Winter School on Quantum Information Science](, Taitung, Taiwan. [Organizing committee]

## 2007 * [2007] 3rd workshop on quantum information science and technology, NCKU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Dynamical decoupling induced renormalization of the non-Markovian dynamics*. [Organizing committee] * [2007] APS March Meeting, USA. Pochung Chen, *Dynamical decoupling induced renormalization of the non-Markovian dynamics*. * [2007] APS March Meeting, USA. Cheng-Yan Lai and Pochung Chen, *Single spin decoherence by general spin chains*. * [2007] APS March Meeting, Yi-Ya Tian, Pochung Chen, and Daw-Wei Wang, *Quantum spin relaxation in mixtures of spinor cold atoms*.

## 2006 * [2006] Annual Meeting of Physical Society ROC, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Theoretical study on implementation of quantum computation*. * [2006] QIS Winter school, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Basic Ideas of Quantum Computatio*. [Organizing committee] * [2006] CLEO, Long Beach, USA, Pochung Chen.

## 2005

* [2005] APS March Meeting, USA. Pochung Chen, *Quantum shape effects on Zeeman splittings in semiconductor nanostructures*. * [2005] EQIS'05, Tokyo, Japan. Pochung Chen, *Continuous dynamical decoupling with bounded controls*. * [2005] QIS workshop, NTHU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk, *Non-Markovian apporach to the quantum open system*. [Organizing committee]

## 2004 * [2004] Annual meeting of PSROC, Taiwan. Pocuhg Chen, invited talk, *Magneto-optical properties of semiconductor nanostructure*. * [2004] Eastern Formosa Summer School - IV (Quantum Information Processing), NDWU, Taiwan. Pochung Chen, invited talk. [Organizing committee]

## 2001-2003 * [2003] APS March Meeting, USA. Pochung Chen and K. B. Whaley, *Time-dependent tight-binding study of Land’e g factors of semiconductor nanostructure*. * [2002] APS March Meeting, USA. Pochung Chen, et al, *Strong nonlinear coherent effects in a single semiconductor quantum dot*. * [2002] CLEO, USA. Pochung Chen, et al, *Optical control of spin dynamics in a semiconductor quantum dot by adiabatic Raman transition*. * [2001] APS March Meeting 2001, USA. Pochung Chen, et al, *Saturation spectroscopy of excitons in a semiconductor quantum dot*.

conferences.1594658217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/14 06:49 (external edit)