====== 10920PHYS401300 ====== ====== 計算物理實作 Computational Physics Lab ====== ===== Instructor ===== * Prof. Pochung Chen. * R521, Physics building. * pcchen {at} phys {dot} nthu {dott} edu {dot} tw . ===== TA ===== * 岑美茵 ===== Time ===== * M5M6M7. ===== Room ===== * R620, physics building. ===== Prerequisites ===== * Basic knowledge of * quantum physics. * thermal physics. * electrodynamics. * classical mechanics. * applied math and calculus. * Basic knowledge of Python (or other programming languages). ===== Syllabus ===== Motivated by MIT’s “[[https://missing.csail.mit.edu|The Missing Semester of Your CS Education]]”, the goal of the course “Computational Physics Lab”「計算物理實作」is to teach undergraduate students how to use the computer as an essential tool/integrated environment to do research in physics. To reach this goal, I would select various topics from essential undergrad courses and demonstrate how to carry out studies with a computer. This includes how to perform numerical and symbolic calculations, how to visualize the results, and how to do scientific writing and presentation. The students will gain hands-on experience by carrying out projects and presenting results with their computer. This should help students to build an integrated toolset for all branches of physics and mathematics they learnt in undergraduate courses. And be ready to use this integrated toolset for real world research problems in the future. In particular, I will use Python/Jupyter Lab as an integrated environment to perform following tasks: * Numerical calculation (numpy, scipy) * Symbolic calculation (sympy) * Data visualization (matplotlib) * Scientific writing and presentation (jupyter lab, markdown, latex) for various topics in following physics undergrad courses * Applied mathematics (special functions, etc) * Mathematical methods for physicists (group theory, etc) * Theoretical mechanics (chaos, coupled oscillation, etc) * Electromagnetism (scalar and vector field, etc) * Thermal and Statistical Physics (ideal gas, Maxwell distribution, phase transition, etc) * Quantum Physics (Schrödinger equation, etc) * (Scientific writing & presentation, etc) ===== Topics ===== * Logistic map and period doubling. * Relaxation Methods for Partial Differential Equations. ===== Development Environment Setup ===== * Python * [[https://www.anaconda.com|Anaconda Python]] * Markdown * https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ * Latex * Math: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Mathematical_expressions ===== LaTeX ===== * https://www.overleaf.com * [[https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Learn_LaTeX_in_30_minutes|Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes]] ===== Links ===== * https://github.com/NTHU-Phys-Qubit/10920PHYS401300 * https://github.com/NTHU-Phys-Qubit/10920PHYS401200 ===== Weekly schedule ===== * Week 1: 2/22/2021: Introduction. Logistic map, bifurcation, chaos. * Week 2: 3/1/2021 (No Class) 和平紀念日補假. * Week 3: 3/8/2021: Logistic map, bifurcation, chaos. * Week 4: 3/15/2021 * Week 5: 3/22/2021 * Week 6: 3/29/2021 * Week 7: 4/5/2021 (No Class) 民族掃墓節暨兒童節補假. * Week 8: 4/12/2021 * Week 9: 4/19/2021 * Week 10: 4/26/2021 * Week 11: 5/3/2021 * Week 12: 5/10/2021 * Week 13: 5/17/2021 * Week 14: 5/20/2021 * Week 15: 5/31/2021 * Week 16: 6/7/2021 * Week 17: 6/14/2021 (No Class) 端午節. * Week 18: 6/21/2021 ===== Homework ===== * [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/w4c8zvar1oxmmtn/Logistic%20Map.ipynb?dl=0|HW1]]: Logistic map, bifurcation, chaos. * References * Chapter 4.7, Stephen T. Thornton and Jerry B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, Fifth Edition (2004).