====== 10920PHYS401200 ====== ====== 計算物理 Computational Physics ====== ===== Instructor ===== * Prof. Pochung Chen. * R521, Physics building. * pcchen {at} phys {dot} nthu {dott} edu {dot} tw . ===== TA ===== * 岑美茵 ===== Time ===== * R5R6R7. ===== Room ===== * R501, physics building. ===== Prerequisites ===== * Good knowledge of "quantum physics" and "thermal physics". * Working knowledge of Python (or other programming languages). ===== Syllabus ===== The goal of this course is to learn computational methods for the simulation of classical and quantum models. * Phase transition and critical phenomena of classical models. * Monte Carlo method. * Tensor network method. * Simulation of quantum models. ===== Development Environment Setup ===== * http://cocalc.com * anaconda python (win10, mac) * vs code (win10, mac) * WSL2 (win10) * windows terminal (win10) ===== Links ===== * [[https://github.com/NTHU-Phys-Qubit/10920PHYS401200]] * Markdown * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHGWL_1.2.3/analyze-data/markd-jupyter.html|Markdown for Jupyter notebooks cheatsheet]] (IBM Knowledge Center) * [[https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]] * [[https://markdown.tw]] * Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib * [[https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh.html#scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh]] * [[https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/arpack.html]] * [[https://tensornetwork.org/mps/algorithms/#linear|Algorithms for Matrix Product States / Tensor Trains]] * [[https://tensornetwork.org/mps/algorithms/dmrg/|Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm (DMRG)]] ===== Weekly schedule ===== * Week 1: 2/25/2021 * Week 2: 3/4/2021 * Week 3: 3/11/2021 * Week 4: 3/18/2021 * Week 5: 3/25/2021 * Week 6: 4/1/2021 * Week 7: 4/8/2021 * Week 8: 4/15/2021 * Week 9: 4/22/2021 * Week 10: 4/29/2021 * Week 11: 5/6/2021 * Week 12: 5/13/2021 * Week 13: 5/20/2021 * Week 14: 5/27/2021 * Week 15: 6/3/2021 * Week 16: 6/10/2021 * Week 17: 6/17/2021 * Week 18: 6/24/2021 ===== Homework =====